Making environmentally friendly decisions shouldn't mean having to change your entire lifestyle. Instead, think of going green as giving a few daily habits a makeover, or in this case a "green-over." Start simple, and stick to these small changes that, when continued on a regular basis, can have a huge positive impact on the environment.
Paper or plastic? How about neither. Each year the United States uses 30 billion plastic and 10 billion paper grocery bags, requiring approximately 14 million trees and 12 million barrels of oil1. Cities across the country have begun efforts to ban plastic bags in stores, but everyone can do their part for the environment by keeping a reusable bag handy for shopping trips. Most of your grocery stores sell these at the registers for a dollar.
Shop locally, whether its food or products. Support you local environmental groups or causes. Grow your own vegetable garden (Its fun and you save money that way, and by doing this you KNOW theres no chemicals on your vegetables!) Refuse to buy from companies that you know are being wasteful and not doing their part for the environment (KLEENEX- they clearcut vast amounts of ancient trees for their products...just to name one) Compost your food waste and use it in you garden for nutrient rich soil. Bring re-usable mugs to use to stores where you get your daily drinks (coffee, tea, soft drinks etc;) If your thinking of getting a new car, invest in a Hybrid, or think about carpooling as often as possible. Walk, instead of driving. Wherever and whenever possible. Buy energy efficient appliances. This can make a huge difference on your energy and heating bills as an added bonus. Buy in Bulk, its cheaper and less on packaging. Conserve as much water as possible, turn taps off when not in use. Dont keep your engine running if your waiting for someone or know that you will be waiting in it for longer than a minute...if that. Write notes on once used paper. Re-use cloth bags for groceries and shopping. Use recycled paper for print outs (or hemp paper), and buy products that have been recycled or are recyclable ** And for goodness sakes people.....RECYCLE as much as possible.